Monday, August 5, 2013

Phantom of the Paradise.......

                            This "campy" classic of the early 70's.....

                  It featured a much younger Paul Williams... as "the Devil"...

            He later voiced the "Penguin" on the Batman Animated series of the 90's.....

                                        How about a tune from this enjoyable film...???

For more on this film go to "After Midnight, Behind the Closet Door"  for some great images and a good read for a review....

                                                Later Kiddies....


  1. Thanks for the shout out, Dr. Theda. In case you'd like a link to my blog to see some more of my work (I capture the pictures myself) here it is...


  2. We do Not know how to post a "link"... sorry Sir....
    We enjoyed your post as well .. Really great images as well good Sir... the Doctor
