Monday, May 12, 2014

Do Not Know How Well We can Post Today....

Nerves are Not their best today...
                                               Seem to have lost my reading glasses....
                      And without them ... we have a Lot of trouble seeing what we are typing....

                                                    We give things one Week to improve.....
No cake this year ... and do not even know if any one will even drop by...
                                      For you see....Next Monday is Stacey's Birthday...
 Maybe we can get a cheap one...She comes to check on Stacey in a couple of
 days.... pair of reading glasses and another ( My new lighter "blew up"...managed to toss it under the front door before it detonated...And spent last night dealing with an alcoholic and a "Crack-Head"  They were till the Sun was coming up...(after well over 30 times of him trying to get me to purchase more "drugs" tor him....Stacey finally lost it and "went off")
                                               So we have No idea where my glasses went...

1 comment:

  1. Found my reading glasses.... they were "tangled-up" inside of a lamp... a "bit Warped" but they will do...
